Protect your website effortlessly with Cloudflare

Cloudflare is a CDN (Content Delivery Network) which forms a layer between your DNS and Web Hosting. Whenever a request is sent to access your website it passes through the Cloudflare CDN and performs a number of actions.

Such as:

  • It serves cached pages of your website saving your web hosting bandwidth and offering better website speed.
  • It offers multiple security levels to protect your site from DDoS attacks.
  • If your web hosting goes down for any reason Cloudflare will keep showing your website from its cached copy.
  • You can block access to your website for certain countries and regions.
  • It gives you FREE SSL which you can use on shared hosting as well.
  • It hides your server’s original IP address which can protect it from hackers.

This and many other features are available on website both for FREE and PAID accounts. We have seen a large number of websites recently using Cloudflare to add an additional layer of security for their websites. We are also using Cloudflare on all our new website projects and recommend you to do the same. If you require any additional information, feel free to contact us.


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